Windy Humor
Fowl Wind
Aasif Mandvi reports on a proposed Florida Everglades wind farm that will help the environment, but hurt ducks.
Jason Jones – Nantucket – The Daily Show
Jason Jones dives into a problem threatening Nantucket's exclusive beachfront properties.
Trump explains how wind turbines cause cancer
Trump explains how wind turbines cause cancer.
How Noisy is a Wind Farm?
How Noisy is a Wind Farm?
Coal Lobby Warns Wind Farms May Blow Earth Off Orbit
Coal Lobby Warns Wind Farms May Blow Earth Off Orbit - In The Know
Mr. Wind
Mr. Wind
Trump vs Windmills
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah - Trump vs Windmills
Ideas for Windy Satire
Do you know of any more movies like these?
Email sarah@windustrious.org if you have a submission for this site.
We’re creating a collection of satire videos because…….. Laughter connects us, energizes us and encourages us to speak out …….. in favor of renewable energy – as soon as possible!
Would you like to make a satire video for this site? Here are some suggestions for subject matter:
*Those claiming that there can be benefits from a warmed planet, could be shown enthusiastically setting up banana plantations in the Arctic.
*Someone complaining in her back yard about turbine noise, while having to shout above the constant, loud and slightly irregular ‘bang bangs’ of her neighbor’s son’s basket ball practice in front of the hoop nailed to the garage.
*Interviewing a research team, initiating studies to follow up on reports that wind turbines give off unpleasant odors. The most common description of such odors being described as ‘wet dog’.
*A very lively presentation given by a couple of businessmen, in the near future, on how there are rapidly growing economic opportunities in ‘civilization rescue’ projects. Artifacts from already inundated cities such as Venice, London and Manhattan are being retrieved by divers, and then installed in Disneyland-type sites, far from the coast of course.
*An environmentalist defending delay-causing and costly studies of turbine impact on birds, despite extremely reputable Danish and AWEA data on the miniscule effect such structures have, compared to the destruction caused by domestic cats, high-rise buildings, and many other man-made objects and actions. His or her argument might be ” Well, those dangers are already part of our culture and hard to change. We have a chance to stop or delay this one before it starts. Yes, I know that countless species are already dying off, but it’s not appropriate for my organization to get involved in generalities.”
*A shopkeeper in a seaside town, complaining about the changed viewshed caused by horizon-sited turbines, whilst being besieged by tourists buying wind-related souvenirs. He could end up saying, above the crowd, that he just can’t keep up with the increased number of customers, even though he hired someone last month, to help out. He’ll be taking on someone else next week.