Welcome to Windustrious

Cleveland faces a unique opportunity to become the first city in the U.S. to install an offshore wind farm in fresh water. It would translate into a powerful image of Cleveland as a progressive, productive, jobs-creating city, with a bubbling business climate, a place where young professionals will want to come and stay, and a very interesting tourist destination.

We can lead the way, or we can simply follow along, after the trend has gathered momentum elsewhere. Given our assets in infrastructure, location and historically-grounded expertise in relevant industries, one could say we had an actual responsibility, an obligation, to be at the forefront. By acting now, we could reap the tremendous business opportunities of being in the vanguard of research, development and production of the equipment that the rest of the country, and the world, will inevitably be demanding. If we reject this opportunity, and build turbines out on the Lake only after others have taken the initiative somewhere else, we will be consciously throwing away not just that free marketing asset, but the economic advantages of taking a leadership role in this new technology.

Evolving Technology and Increasing Beauty

June 22, 2020

Icebreaker — Falling Down or Starting Up?

The Ohio Power Siting Board had tried stalling the project in the past, by stipulating completely unnecessary studies, without success. This time, the OPSB’s manipulative procedure suggests that we have been forced to come to a full stop with this project.
However, maybe we will foil them again……….. 

Our Windustrious Future


“We can change the entire image of Cleveland from a rust-belt city to a city of the future. This kind of initiative would help Cleveland reclaim its place as a major economic and cultural force on the world stage as we build a reputation as a center for advanced energy.”

Ronn Richard
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Cleveland Foundation

“I applaud Windustrious for visualizing Cleveland’s future as one that includes addressing global climate change through the development of renewable energy sources. Exploring a new industry that could be ecologically responsible, economically vital, and reputation enhancing is a forward-thinking strategy for our region. The positive impact of such an initiative would be felt far beyond our Cleveland community.”

Franz Welser-Most
Music Director, The Cleveland Orchestra

“If people really understood the enormous dangers from global warming for their health, and especially for the health and the lives of their children, they would support every feasible alternate energy solution there was, including the well conceived plans for a wind power farm on Lake Erie.”
Eric Chivian M.D.
Director, The Program for Preserving the Natural World, Inc.
Associate, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
Founder and Director Emeritus, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Chivian shared the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for co-founding the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Wind Thoughts:

“Smiling sunflowers twirl / As they are tickled / by the wind.
Wading Ferris Wheel / generating / joule-filled currents.
Cleveland, / Wise-up and Rise-up / On the winds of change.
Self-luminous kiss / Warmly caresses whirligig / Breezing ceaselessly.”

Orene Anthony, Poet

“As a company committed to exceeding expectations while fulfilling our economic, social and environmental responsibilities, Fairmount Minerals supports Cleveland’s efforts to take a leadership position in the area of clean energy. Exploring the wind potential of the Great Lakes positions Cleveland as a progressive energy leader and advances possibilities for economic prosperity in the form of green manufacturing, technology and jobs that will inevitably be associated with a wind power initiative.”
Chuck Fowler – Former President and CEO – Fairmount Santrol, Former President and CEO – Fairmount Minerals Ltd.

“It has become clear that because of the long lifetime of atmospheric carbon dioxide, much of it staying in the air more than 1000 years, we must move promptly toward nearly carbon-free energy. Wind energy should be a major contributor. If the next President will support development of a national low-loss electric grid we can move toward 100 percent renewable energy for electric power, as needed for energy independence, a cleaner atmosphere,and preservation of creation, the planet that civilization developed on over the past several thousand years.”
James Hansen
Visionary pioneer in the science of climate change

“Now is the time to seize this opportunity to build a green economy, create jobs and attract talent to our ‘Green City on a Blue Lake’! If we don’t grab the opportunity now, then others waiting in the wings will do so instead. Time is of the essence and we cannot wait.”

Margie Flynn
Brown Flynn

“Innovative organizations like Windustrious can help create pathways to prosperity, while stopping climate catastrophe at the same time.

By harnessing the power of the wind, we can put thousands of Americans back to work.”

Van Jones
Founding President, Green For All

“From Wellington, New Zealand to Cleveland, Ohio, USA:

Cheers for leading the next phase of offshore wind power generation – a great contribution towards beating global climate change.”

Nicholas R. Lewis, Director, Corporate Advisory
Woodward Partners – Wellington, New Zealand
formerly CEO, Celsias Ltd. ‘Cooling the Planet One Project at a Time’

“America is lagging far behind Europe in the area of sustainability, namely renewable energy production. Europe produces 76 percent of world’s wind power. We must act now on developing renewable energy sources, and building our wind and solar energy infrastructure. I applaud Sarah Taylor and her organization, for seeing where Cleveland can go if we blaze the trail for the rest of America. Great vision is the ability to see needed applications of the future, and act before others to secure your place. Cleveland should act on this extraordinary vision. Let’s support Windustrious and position our city for the economy of tomorrow while simultaneously preserving our planet.”
Timothy L. Tramble – President and CEO, Saint Luke’s Foundation

Windustrious Champions are the people who have added their voices to the call for Cleveland to take advantage of a great natural resource – wind power over Lake Erie.

You too can be a Champion of wind power on Lake Erie. Just send your name, and how you would like to be identified, to sarah@windustrious.org. Attach a photo of yourself – if you would like to, and express your enthusiasm for ‘wind from the lake’, in a couple of sentences.

By becoming Champions, we can all be part of the groundswell that will help Cleveland take this dramatic and symbolic step.

Champion List

World renowned climate scientist Michael Mann sends a strong statement of support for the proposed Offshore Wind Power project on Lake Erie

Michael Mann has drawn attention to climate change as the most threatening challenge that humanity has ever faced.  He has done this at the scientific level – through his cutting-edge research, publications, and presentations – as well as at the more general level, through his talks, enlightening media interviews, and his books. His leadership has been acknowledged through countless awards that have expressed appreciation for how he has moved forward our planetary-level discussion of this gigantic problem that we all face.    Read Michael Mann’s statement here.

Food For Thought

Stealing Our Sympathy

by Sarah Taylor, SpeakOut, Truth Out There is a growing sense among the public that life on our planet is being threatened by our careless misuse of its resources. The most obvious evidence of this...

read more

Environmentalists or Maybe the Opposite

A proposed wind turbine installation near Camp Perry in Northwestern Ohio has recently been halted  by environmental groups that turn out to have connections to the oil, gas and tourism industries....

read more

Sarah Taylor

Sarah is doing everything she can to encourage the North-East Ohio region to profit from its greatest unused resource, namely the strong, steady winds that blow across Lake Erie. Starting in 2006, she has been vigorously spreading the word to city leaders, companies, organizations and individuals.

Coining the phrase “Windustrious Cleveland”, she commissioned Dennis Yurich to make a brief movie to illustrate Cleveland’s progression from industrial eminence through to its current cultural and technological expertise, and then on to its re-invigorated manufacturing future.

Dennis Yurich’s creation, symbolizing in 40 seconds, the city’s move from “Industrious to Illustrious to Windustrious” can be seen HERE. A recent video he created illustrates Our Windustrious Future.

Jim Henke described Sarah’s effort in the December 2015 edition of the Heights Observer.

Jeff Moyer

Jeff helped to promote the Windustrious Cleveland effort, from the beginning, by writing, recording and performing the song “Wind on the Water”. Here he is performing the song at Ingenuity Fest in Cleveland, in 2007.

Click to read more about Jeff.

Moyer is a true renaissance man – songwriter, producer, author, historian, passionate public speaker, publisher, and champion of the dignity of all people.

The name “Music from the Heart”, Jeff Moyer’s publishing company, describes his life’s work. For half a century, this award winning songwriter has written, recorded and performed songs that speak to what Jeff calls, “matters of consequence in the human condition.” http://www.jeffmoyer.com/

Dennis Yurich

Dennis has been essential to the formation, and the evolution, of the Windustrious Cleveland project, by creating the various motion graphics and videos, as well as the designing and the updating of the Windustrious website itself.

Specializing in business videos, Dennis and his wife, Beth, began Yurich Creative in 1997 and have worked with large and small clients, including: Judson Services, Inc.; Celebrate Vitamins; Target Optical; PNC Wealth management; Kaleidoscope Magazine; Tri C, Case Western Reserve University; The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum; and the Wassenberg Art Center.


Banner Photo Copyright: chuyu / 123RF Stock Photo